(no things - these things suck): people who think the rules don’t apply to them. nosey people. thieves. screaming children in the grocery store. not being able to find my scissors when I want them. The bobbin running out of thread near the end of my sewing project. ice-scrapers that only work on the outer corners and leave the middle untouched (especially brand new ones). slippery surfaces. buying fresh fruit and finding the majority of it rotten. ordering the wrong item from the menu and being too embarrased to change it. fruit flies. fast food restaurants that make you pull to the side and wait. movies trailers that show all the good parts on preview leaving nothing left for the show itself. items that ring up the wrong price at the register. people that talk on their cell phones while driving. back-handed compliments. people that think only their projects are important and everything else should be dropped. wrapping presents. people that return their food for unimportant reasons. the cattiness of teenage girls. bedtime on Sunday. Monday mornings. mean people. when your kids are sad and you know there is nothing you can do to fix it. people who build themselves up by putting others down. people who won’t admit they don’t know the answer and make something up instead. people who try to talk above you. photographers who upload digital photos sooc - they aren’t finished yet. people who upload every photo they take, even if its twelve shots of the same thing from the same angle.
(yes things - these are a few of my favorite things): hearing the birds outside. falling asleep to the sound of the surf. babbling brooks. the smell of pine trees. Friday nights and Saturday mornings. people who are passionate about what they do. people who speak their mind in a non-belittling way. friends who care about my welfare. seeing the world through a lens and then making the photo came to life. the cuteness of kittens and puppies. the creaminess of baby cheeks. milkshakes. eating outside in the summer. decks and porches. days when everyone gets along and seem to actually enjoy themselves. going to the movies. playing card games with family. Thanksgiving dinner at my mother-in-law’s house. crocheting, quilting, knitting, sewing. reading a book so good you feel like you’re missing something when you put it down. listening to music through headphones. roadtrips with no particular destination in mind or clock to watch. close sports scores that your team wins. hearing adults say good things about your children. seeing your children make the good decision, even when it’s harder. dj’s t-bone steaks in the summer with a green salad and a baked potato with sour cream. Friday night being pizza night. warm summer nights. realizing you don’t have to work on the rainy day. Las Vegas. family vacations. being truly surprised. good hair and good jeans at the same time. bananas foster. chips and salsa. laughing. awesome movies. knowing you have the next day (or more) off work. coming home to a clean house. feeling good enough to dance. knowing i’m loved.
Here is Jamie's take:
" '07 In Review"
TV shows I (heart)
American Idol
Big Brother
Rock of Love
The Amazing Race
Grey's Anatomy
Biggest Loser
Project Runway
Books I adored:
One for the Money series (all 13) by Janet Evanovich
Pieces of my Sister's Life
Edge of Winter, Sandcastles, Summer's Child by Luanne Rice
Savannah Blues and Savannah Breeze
All of Dorothea Frank's novels..Shem Creek, Sullivan's Island...
Things I'm Proud Of:
After owning my store for 5 years (on New Year's Eve) I've decided to change direction in life an do something new. I'm saying goodbye to my store, and going back to school. It was a scary decision to make, but I am at peace with it. I feel good about "starting over" in another career.
Wow...this year found David and I married for twelve years! I can't believe we've been together for this long...sixteen years and still in love!
I'm so proud of myself for keeping up with my weblog. I celebrated my one year anniversary as a "blogger" this year! I love it and think it's so fun to communicate on such a large scale.
Songs that made me feel happy:
Praise You in this Storm...Casting Crowns
It just comes Natural...George Strait
You will be Loved...Josh Grobin
All of Justin Timberlake's songs
Your Man by Josh Turner
Family Moments to Remember:
*Our Seaworld trip totally rocked...we had a great time!
*4th of July at Tybee Island...always a treat
*Deciding to get a puppy and then surprising Elizabeth with her a carpool.
*Our Mother/Daughter trip to Disney...just the girls!
*Halloween...trick or treating from the back of David's pickup truck.