I got a peek at "Your December Story" and I'm giving away a free pass
I checked out lesson 1 of Debbie Hodge's Your December Story this weekend, and I want to tell you about the class and give you a peek at how it's inspired me. And I'm giving away one pass to the class. (If you have already purchased the class, you'll get a $24 gift card good for any other GIS/MSD classes.)
Your December Story is shaped around the Hero's Journey
This December, like Dorothy dropped into Oz or Alice tumbled into Wonderland, you will receive a call to adventure. You will move from the ordinary world into a one of magic and tests as the holiday season arrives.
Many of the most-loved and best remembered stories play out in a story form described by Joseph Campbell as "the hero's journey." This class has prompts and page ideas for visual storytelling that have you telling Your December Journey, from the heralds, to the challenges, mentors, special tools and the return to the known world and what you take forward.
You can take the journey and get a $10 gift card . . .
but only through midnight Wednesday, November 20th. When you purchase "Your December Story" by midnight PT, Wednesday, November 20, you also get a $10 gift card that you can use for Get It Scrapped and Masterful Scrapbook Design classes. Click here to purchase Your December Story and get the $10 gift card.
I love this class! I was feeling quite Bleh! about the rapidly approaching festive season, but Debbie has such a fabulous and unique way of looking at things and her prompts are wonderful and inspiring. One of the first steps is to create a view of what life is like in November, and to narrate that in the third person. I started with a template by the Shabby Shoppe which I tweaked to add the roof and chimney too, making it look more like a house. This is a glimpse of life at home most days in November.
I was so inspired that I created another layout, my story of the herald, as mentioned above.
See how the rest of the blog hoppers are using this class (and get 20+ more chances to win)
- Anna Aspnes
- Betsy Sammarco
- Christy Strickler
- Marie-Pierre Capistran
- Katrina Kennedy
- Carrie Arick
- Doris Sander
- Melissa Shanhun
- Michelle Houghton
- Sue Althouse
- Terry Billman
- Kiki Kougioumtzi
- Susanne Brauer
- Sian Fair
- Jana Morton
- Paula Gilarde
- Kristin Tweedale
- Katie Scott
- Amy Kingsford
- Tami Taylor
- Stefanie Semple <<<You are here
- Katie Nelson
Leave a comment on this blog post telling me, Stefanie, what you love the most about this time of the year. I will draw the winner on Thursday, November 21, 2014 and let you know via email, so please make sure that your email address is valid and left with your comment.
I LOVE Holiday decorations!!!
I love your home layout with the picture of everyone. (But you did like me, you left yourself out!!) I'm a new member of your blog and will follow your Christmas adventure. :) Thanks for sharing.
I love all the family time. Often this is the only time of year the entire family gets together and I love this.
I love all the traditions and special activities we do and all the time spent together.
I love the time with family the most. And the decorations and smell of a fresh tree are not bad either. Oh and frosted cookies!
The music and the family time!
I love the shorter days and the nights filled with the cheer of holiday lights twinkling everywhere. It's so magical!
I have grandchildren now, so my delight is in watching them enjoy Christmas.
I love the happiness. Sure, there's people that are jerks, but overall the majority of people are kinder, and more welcoming than any other time.
I love that the weather gets colder and the house feels cozier.
Stefanie, what I love the most about this time of the year is seeing my children excited and happy, eating chocolates and drinking chocolate and making cakes with no chocolate.
I love the Christmas MUSIC - even though I can be caught listening to it in July - there is something special about it being played in the months of December. LOVE IT!
I love having the entire family over, getting to see how the little cousins are growing and just being able to catch up with everyone!
I like knowing that we will all be home together for a few days amidst the hustle and bustle of life, visiting family and friends we only see once a year too.
There are so many things I love about this time of the year, but I guess what I love most is relaxed time with family.
I love the cold weather, fall colors, and lots of birthdays in my family to celebrate! Thanks for the chance to win!
I have 7 grandchildren and I just love to see them immerse themselves in the magic of the holiday.
This time of year, I love getting together with people.
I love the hot chocolate. I love my time off work! I love late nights with the kids and my husband!
Christmas music and wearing santa hats!!
I love having all my kids home and just hanging out together.
I love the hustle and bustle, but also the family time. Happiness. jeannett_mcgee@comcast.net
I love the music, the celebration of our savior, the family vacations, the weather, the decorations and the Christmas spirit of giving.
I love the kindness that comes with the season!
I love the fact that it's the middle of Summer, school's finished for the year and we have months of warm, sunny days ahead of us :)
lovely layouts Stefanie!
What I love most about this time of year is getting together with family and friends.
What I love most about this time of year is a desire to reflect and connect. Wanting to be deliberately grateful, helpful, and kind. Love the sense of family togetherness that also happens.
I will admit I love the good old, traditional, Christmas carols.
Family time, baking cookies, and seeing the kids' faces light up :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Everyone getting together to have a good time.
I love the magicalness of it all! Especially in my girls! It makes me feel like a kid again!
I love the anticipation of all of the fun December activities.
I would love to document what we do this Christmas season. I'm usually too busy getting ready that I forget to slow down and remember the special moments.
I love that everything just feels... homier. Loving. Peaceful.
I love that Christmas carols are always being played
I love getting cozy inside when it's cold and rainy outside, and I love drinking hot cocoa.
I love the decorations up in all the stores and seeing the different Santa photo booths all over - they each seem to want to outdo all the rest in scale and elaborate decoration.
I cant help it , i love watching my kids faces as they open their presents.
I love best the feeling of good will everybody has this time of year. I can only pray that this feeling would last all the time.
I love Watching "the sound of music" every Christmas. I've seen it 37 times, but it's part of my Christmas tradition.
Shine on!
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