Chocolates are my guilty pleasure, but not this one.
Journaling Reads: While I am a chocolate lover at heart, this brand brings out some of my fondest childhood memories. My dad worked in the Middle East for a long time when I was small and he always brought home Toblerones for pasalubong. So whenever I need a quick fixer-upper or a reward to myself, I always grab these yummy goodies - - and never feel guilty about the calories.
Hidden Journal:
There is no denying your love of Flash. Your collection of action figures just continue to build up and fill what little space you have in the cabinet. It is one of those indulgences that you enjoy so much. And how can I deny you that joy when you've also supported my own indulgence. You are like a kid when you open its package, all giddy and ready to play with your toy. So, indulge and plan your next Flash purchase!
I can’t help myself now that I’ve started. In two weeks, I’ve read all of the books twice each. It is my own brand of heroin and something I’m not sure I’ll ever read it enough times to be tired of the story. I could spend hours sucked into the story of Bella and Edward, of Bella and Jacob, of vampires and werewolves. It’s one thing I could get lost in for hours and not know where the time has gone or have anything to show for the lost hours other than the bent binding of a book. It is my one, true guilty pleasure.
writing has always been my best friend. secrets shared...feelings opened up. sometimes I'd rather write than do other things. I find pleasure in my pens and pads!
I enjoy indulging in a little retail therapy now & again and the occasional trip to Starbucks, it always makes me feel a bit guilty though for treating myself.
Title: little treats (to make life sweet)
Journaling: Both Auntie Jennifer & I enjoyed our day out shopping together. She bought some lovely leather boots & I bought a very pretty Fat Face necklace. A quick stop at Starbucks was the perfect end to the day with a frappuccino for me & a cappuccino for her.
Like the commercial says, "What is it with chicks 'n' chips?" I can't tell you exactly myself but the ultimate snack to me is salt & vinegar chips with onion or garlic dip. Sounds gross but it's soooo good! It's like having a little party inside my mouth! Yum!
Journaling says:
"It’s been 3 years now and Alina still LOVES Dora. She can't get enough of her. At the shops she keeps spotting all Dora items and BEGS for them, even in the supermarket. Yoghurt and toothbrushes were today's spottings...Will it ever end!?!"
You might think that my mouth waters at the thought of Steers burgers and chips or Debonair’s triple stack something meaty, chocolate in any shape or form, or baked goods – especially a warm apple slice, but you’d be wrong! I love all of those it’s true. But what really makes my day is sneaking off with a friend to try and find the Cape’s best Eggs Benedict breakfast. I usually start with a mango juice (that’s healthy right?), then the main course ~ the eggs need to be cooked, with the yolks just a little runny, nestled on top of crispy bacon, slapped on top of 100% rye bread (~that’s wheat free. This way I can convince myself that my diet isn’t being blown to smithereens) and then for “pudding” a decaff skinny latte with artificial sweeteners. While I am savouring this fantastic gourmet fare we are chatting up a storm, sharing what’s going on in our lives both our struggles and joys.
I really couldn’t ask for more, that’s my idea of a perfect least until I pick up you 3 children and the bickering/complaining/teasing/fighting/moaning begins all over again.
This one is Shayne's.
The challenge was to journal yours or someone else's guilty pleasure.
Her journalig:
This is my decadent indulgence (cardigans). I love them and simply cannot resist them. Ever. It's the first thing I look at when shopping for clothes. They make me feel feminine and pretty and of course serve to keep me warm too. So far I have 60 - enough to be able to wear a different one every day for 2 months!
Sorry this one should have auto-posted on the 12th but that must have been when I was battling with my service provider.
Because of the almost 10 year gap between Iain and myself, we have never had a close relationship. I had left the house by the time he was 10 and emerging into his own person. We saw each other occasionally, but I always felt that he was out of my reach and out of touch from me. I could have tried harder to mend this, but I didn’t. That’s why, when a year ago he called and asked if he could take some timeout on the farm with us, I didn’t even hesitate in saying yes. It was like I was being given a second chance to rekindle my relationship with him. Which I’ve done. And I love the fact that he is now resident here and that we get to see him weekly, if not more than that. I love that my girls have a bond with their Uncle, and that they completely adore him and love spending time with him. Just as it should be. Sept 2009
Well I am delighted that we have had such an awesome response to this challenge.
5LO's have been submitted which means I need to get into gear to do the drawing for August/September and now this fortnight so please watch this space.
Our first submission is from April Joy. You can visit her here.
Title: Baby Sister
Journaling: Among the 3 of us sisters, you and I look so much alike that people mistake you for me and vice versa. Working in the same office adds to the confusion as some people I know wondered why I didn't acknowledge them when they see you in the elevator or in the lobby, later realizing it was you they saw, not me.
Among the 3 of us, you and I are the least closest to each other, with a six year gap between us. With me already married as you approached your teens, we didn't get to bond a lot.
You've always been our baby, our princess. Mommy didn't even want you anywhere near the kitchen when you were single, afraid you might burn something. Yet you have matured quite a lot since you got married. You've become a queen in your own kitchen, whipping up gourmet dishes. You've become a wonderful mommy to Selina, tirelessly breastfeeding her until now that she's 8 months old even when you're already back at work.
Despite being sheltered by Mommy and Daddy for most of your life, you still have the eagerness and the patience to learn new things on your own. You're the type of person who always gives others the benefit of the doubt before jumping to any conclusion or judging others. This is your greatest asset.
Even though we do not tell you this as often as we nag you with our sermons, we are very proud of you, for being a good soul, for your dedication, and for constantly improving yourself. Even though we are still not very close despite being officemates for several years now and seeing each other almost every day, I want you to know that I'm very proud of you and I love you and you will always be our baby.
This one is from Leanne - I don't have a blog address for her sadly. Edited to add...her blog is here.
As a toddler I for to hold onto your shorts so that I would never fall and hurt myself. As a teenager I might have gotten a lot of pinches and punches for the first of the months but I always had a hand to pull me up. As an adult I still have your hand to hold. You are my big brother!
"Some day when you're far away and the miles keep us apart, I'm going to whisper I love my sister, you will discover I love my brother and we will know it in our hearts"...
I loved the quote from the moment I saw it and it applies to my brother quite well as we live a distance away from each other.....and while he the end of every phone call I am always sure to tell I love him and he does the same.....
And lastly we have 2 from the lonely scrapbooker because she has 2 sisters, how is that for particiption?
What a fantastic response I really am delighted and look forward to showcasing many more such beautiful LO's with heartfelt journaling. Well done to all of you and a big thank-you to Cindy for challenging us with this topic that stretched me way outside my comfort zone - but got me to put my feelings onto paper at last.
Shane & Dorian have a great relationship. They are brothers & have their differences as is normal in all family relationships, but they love each other & fool around together as only brothers do (think rolling around on top of each other...still...) Funny how it never happened for me, with 3 other siblings, but the sister closest to me was born with Cerebral Palsy so our relationship was never completely "normal", my brother did many years ago & my older sister & I have always been poles apart in character traits & interests. I'm okay with it now though...I have come to terms with the fact that I have no close relationships with my siblings. I do have great relationships with Shane's 3 siblings though & think of them as my own. They have certainly "filled the gap" & I love them for it.
It’s a love-hate relationship that I have with these two. What can you expect with three different personalities living together all their lives. Being the eldest doesn’t really help all the time. When you exert your authority, it’s either they listen or they argue with it. Add to it that I always want control and order, while these two employ a carefree and happy-go-lucky attitude. I know I also frustrate them at times with my personality as much as they do to me.
But despite our differences, I love these two. Yes, I sometimes wish they were different but that only happens when I’m really mad at them. They have really helped mold me to be the person that I am, the sister who continues to love and support them no matter what.
Yes we argue, we fight, we have disagreements. But we also laugh together, share stories, enjoy each other’s company, we support and we love. That is who we are. I will be the eldest sister that they can count on, supporting them as much as I can. I will continue to be my brother’s keeper.
journaling: what I want you to know is that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you. Through the challenges that have been happening in your life recently, I will always stay right beside you. I will always pray to God to always guide you too.
Growing up I always wished I had sisters. Sadly that wish never came true. I was lucky though to have lots of cousins & in some ways that was even better. We didn't have any big fall outs, instead the time spent together was happy & fun. We were always excited to see each other & get the chance to play together. In the summer when I stayed in Dundee we would go to the park, have cinema trips & sleepovers and make up games together. At Christmas it was fun sharing our new toys & playing in Gran's lobby. I never felt like an outsider with my cousins. Although we are all very different, that doesn't matter, we are still good friends. We love each other like sisters & I'm really lucky to have them.