Come rain or shine, summer or winter, not a day goes by that I do not get a cup of tea (in a tall mug) brought to me in bed; You love D as your own and do far more for her than her biological father does; You support me, no matter what - even if you don't quite agree with me, if it's important enough to I know I can count on you; even though it appears that you are not listening/paying attention to what I’m saying (which drives me scatty) I know that you are. My Christmas pressies were evidence of this; you are 100% involved in the care of the girls - right from changing nappies (way back then) to fetching from sport, helping with homework, bathing or doing puzzles; you are happy with egg on toast if I don't feel like cooking (which is often); you will always reach for my hand or have your hand on me when we sit next to each other; you always open the car door for me; you come outside to say hello and to help with parcels when I return from town; you love to cuddle; when I told you in 2004 that I thought we should end our very new relationship, because you were moving from the Western to the Eastern Cape - you said no. Where would I have been now if you'd listened to me?

I love your heartfelt journaling Shayne! It brought tears to my eyes! :D
What a sweetheart you have! I loved your journaling and the the design of this page. Gorgeous!
That is beautiful, Shayne ... and he sure is a Sweetheart!!
Love, Tracy G
Thanks everyone! I quite like him myself!
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