At the beginning of 2008 I realise that even though you have grown taller than me, your feet are three sizes bigger than mine, it is only a matter of time before these smooth cheeks of yours will have a five-o'clock shadow, where shaving the stubble will be a daily
occurrence and my little man will be an adult, grown up and ready to leave the nest. These years have gone so fast, that while you are still at home, while you are 14 and still have these smooth cheeks, I should be making the most of kissing them. I love you, Mom.
They DO grow so fast - my son will be 12 next month and he already has a hint of a moustache and a breaking voice and he is way taller than me (I am about 5'6" btw) and he wears a size 10 or 11 shoe - it is scary to look at him now when I remember the tiny little baby he was - Everyday brings new changes and lately, to his attitude too - the hormones are kicking in - hope we both survive the teenage years ... tee hee ...
Great LO - love the tribute to your growing son ...
Love, Tracy
That is really sweet Stefanie. It's making the most of everyday moments like this that really matters.
Girls! I don't want to think about it! My baby is nine and I am trying to just STOP the clock!
Ahhhh..... I can sooo relate. My DS Bryan is 13 and just the sweetest kid ever- a personality like his Dad's, too. So, when I read your journaling, I do definitely relate. Well done, the entire LO has a masculine feel and is BEAUTIFULLY done. TY for this gentle reminder...THUMBS UP!!
~ Ali
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