Gabriel (by any other name) A boy like you, who has so much personality, could not possibly be known by one name alone. Over the years you have acquired several aliases, such as:
1. Mr. Monkey Man--you've been a climber since you were a baby. You know No Fear!
2. Junior Mint--'cause my boy is as sweet as candy.
3. Baby Peanut--you got this one before you were even born! My pet name for your Dad is Peanut. As we knew you were going to be a boy, you became Baby Peanut while in utero.
4. Gabe the Babe--it was cute, it rhymed, and it fit you to a 'T'!
5. Biel and Beetle--the first was given to you by your sister. She wasn't even 2 years old when you were born and couldn't say your name so she shortened it to 'Biel'. Dad and I called you Beetle because...well, I dont' know why! I guess we thought it suited you somehow and it stuck. Though I can't call you that now. If I do, you are swift to remind me that you're not a bettle, you're a BOY! But no matter what nicknames we give you, you will always be my 'son-shine'.
Love it, especially the unsual photo angle, and the dimensionla accents. Thanks, Stef.
This is really a very cool and well designed layout! Awesome!
This is a great layout! I love the journaling and cute accents. Cool page!
this is adorable! i so need to get going on this challenge!
Nicole- Love this photo! How cute! I also love your names and the clever embellishments! Way to go!
this layout is stunning. i dig your style.
This is an awesome LO, Nicole, I too have (had) 2/4 be climber-babies as you know! LOL, They do mellow a BIT! **GRIN** Love this LO. GREAT job.
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