Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Stefanie's challenge 29.

Mia's Elephant Love

I can't really recall how or when it actually started. I think you were about two years old when we noticed your preference for elephants. And through the years, you have made quite a collection for yourself. Here you are with four of your favorites: Elle, Dumbo, Zoom and Lumpy. You are such a cutie! We love you very much, Raya!
Monday, 28 July 2008
Nicole's Crayola Queen

When I was a kid, I didn't have a favorite toy in the usual sense. There wasn't a stuffy or a doll that I took everywhere or slept with each night. What I did have was one of the best Christmas gifts ever: a light up drawing desk (a.k.a., a light box). I still remember the box it came in with the Mickey Mouse logo on it and the sheets of tracing templates that were also included. I spent many an hour tracing and colouring with that desk. It fueled my love of drawing which extended itself well into my teens and even my years at University. And while I did most of work with a plain lead pencil, I owned so many boxes of crayons and markers that my friend, Barb, dubbed me the 'Crayola Queen'. It's been several years since I've sat down with my sketch pad but I still have that Christmas gift from my Dad that my own children now play with.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Challenge 29

These have always been your favourite ‘teddies’. I bought the little brown dog before you were even born, cos I just loved it – so did you! You only got the Dalmatian puppy much later on when you were about 8. You still have the Dalmatian – Spot, but we can’t find your little brown dog. We have moved a few times so I am still hoping he turns up.
My style - I am not really sure how to describe my style other than quiteneat! I would love to break out a little but find it hard to do. Watch thisspace I intended to do it soon.
I find inspiration in any scrapbooking magazine or idea book even though Ivery rarely scraplift an entire layout. As far as inspiring scrapbookers,Ali Edwards and Donna Downey are probably my favourites, with a little bitof grunge throw in for good measure by Kristina Contes.
I am a total blogging junkie! I visit numerous sites daily, quite a mixedbag though, photography blogs, scrapbooking girls, and just SAHM mainly. Ilove to pop into Creating Keepsakes once a week to check on the POTD choicesof Erin Lincolns as well which keeps me on top of what is hot and happeninin scrapbooking generally. I do admit to following the trends even though Idon't spend much money on scrapbooking as I have enough stash to keep me going forever.
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Challenge 28 Nicknames : readers round-up.

Daniel, my sweet “Pumpkin,” now almost 8 yrs old, won’t let me call him that.
He doesn’t like to be called by any other nickname except “Dan-Dan Houdini-Man…”
When he was just 2 yrs old and still a baby, really, he could barely pronounce the nickname he’d earned, and it came out “Bam-Bam Houbini-Ban” which was totally hilarious. It has stuck and still makes his Daddy and I laugh!
The nickname was earned because Daniel was truly a Houdini-like escape artist from the beginning!
One crisp fall morning at 6 AM, having run past me in the kitchen like a streak of lightning (which I missed), Daniel, about 3 years old, went out the sliding patio door and down the deck stairway in his undies. He then made his way to the fence surrounding our yard.
Daddy went to back up after clearing the windshields in the van of frost...and…as he glanced out the now-cleared front windshield, there was Daniel, peeking up like “Kilroy” over the fence at his Daddy in the van!!
YIKES! We STILL can’t figure out how he got past me in the kitchen, and outside so quickly and quietly. Daddy says he will never forget how startled he was to look through the windshield and see Daniel’s little face grinning at him from over the fence!!
Daddy brought him back in, and he was “Dan-Dan Houdini-Man” to all of us from that day forward.
Photo~ late July 2007; age almost 7

Her journaling:
It's a nice feeling when my parents call me by one of my affectionate nicknames.
toots, lynnie, pal, bairn, darling, bear

Dannah - most people call you by this name
Ayah - the nickname you never got to use
Nene- close family members call you by this name especially your Daddy
Baby Girl - that is how I'd like to call you, even when you're all grown up
Boy- your Ninong (godfather)-best friend calls you by this name.
I don't know why because it's a secret between the two of you
Deng - Che (Cheng) and Pau (Andeng) call you by this name in your "make-believe" world.
Thanks to Timi Mercado.

Loving every minute of being on the wall at Planet Granite. And as you ascend the wall, you can hear all the names you have as others shout out encouragement: Zachary, Zach, Jie-Jie and Guo-Guo.
I used Creative Scrappers sketch #9.
Melita Chow sent in this page.

Lil man
Thanks Annie Brown.

DJ Wiggy-wiggyCJ
The Drama Queen
Little Fatz
Thunderoucious Thighs
Little Linebacker
Lil Bubba
Baby Brother
Velcro Baby

When you’re sweet: Mommy’s little man
When you’re silly: Little monkey man
When you’re playing with Daddy: Mini-J
When we’re playing: Stinky-butt
When it’s bedtime: Cutie-Patootie
When we’re snuggling: Ethan-George
When you’re not good: Mr. Naughty McNaughty-head
When you’re good: The E-Man
These two from Melissa Williams.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Joanne's nicknames challenge.

The journalling reads
With the name Joanne, you could easily assume that I would be called Jo.
Yes and No. At school I was only ever called Joanne and my Mum and family
call me Joanne, although my brother Andrew has also started calling me Jo.
My Mum also calls me Chicken which I secretly Love. I have ended up calling
my kids Chicken too. I have occasionally had friends that called me Jo, but
not many. However, since I moved to Cape Town everyone knows me as Jo but
they all know my name is Joanne. Paul calls me Josephine and always has. I
don't know why and neither does he!! I love being called Jo, for me it
feels like a term of endearment after years of Joanne. Suppose I am just
not the 'babes' type.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Mia's nicknames LO.
Tracy's nickname's entry.
Journaling Reads:
At first, there were a few people that were uncomfortable with Jason and I calling our precious bundle of joy “the boy”. *giggle* It wasn’t disrespect. It was a loving title inspired by our favorite TV Show, The Simpson’s. Now, it is just second nature. He is “the boy”. Our wonderful, funny, happy boy. I think he likes the nickname. I just wonder when he’ll start calling me “the mom”.
The list of names: 1 Joey, 2. Joseph, 3. son, 4. the beast, 5. Joey

Monday, 21 July 2008
Two more
John Boy Walton
Cable John
Brolie, Bro
Dumb ass (from his older brother - not me!)
Mr Teachable Spirit
When you were about two I called you "honey" it started as Johannes which is Afrikaans for John, your second name and evolved from there. I stopped calling you Honey when some stupid lady at a Mothercare Bible Study asked if Honey was my daughter's real name.
No matter what I call you though, you'll always be my little Honey.
Nicole's challenge 28.

Sunday, 20 July 2008
Another reader's submission for challenge 27.

Since I am into vintage taste, I have been trying to make photoes look like vintage most of the time. However this picture is a real vintage of my own. As the title says, it was back in 1980 when I lived in Australia with my family. (We were there because of my dad's work.) I always look at this picture with deep emotion. It was a day filled with joy and always believed in my bright future lay ahead. The world was samll, my heart big.Even though I admire vintage style, I completely forgot that I myself is a real vintage!! It scares me how TimeFlies・・・Me with my classmates lined up in front of the padock. (Aussie! ) My teacher Ms.West was beautifully smiling as she always did.The bird, from wall paper which was pretty out of date, turned out to be perfect with my paper (FoofLala) and the picture. The bird pulls a piece of wire which has a key (Tim Holtz) with a clock on it. You can imagine the key is opening my heart back to 1980. Here we go!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Friday, 18 July 2008
Challenge 28
Journaling here:
Hannah Fanna Camoli
Little one
Rose Nose
Miss Last Word
Hannah Banana
The Rosie
She'll answer to all of them.
This challenge is mine. I have been scrapping for about 5 years. Really love the paper thing but am dabbling in hybrid (not quite digi yet) I love Becky Higgins sketches and her use of cardstock.
Rebecca Sower's books help me to make my pages more meaningful and to be a blessing to my family. I strongly feel that a page without journaling is incomplete. I love that my scrap albums can be read by any one without me needing to lean over their shoulders, point to pictures and explain the details. (ie where, what, who why etc)
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Stefanie's challenge 27.
This LO was in response to a challenge on my friend, Kim's blog, but I also thought it would work for this week's challenge here as whileit is important to remember things that happened a long time ago, it is just as important to document the everyday, here and now.
Hannah's LO is included so that you can see her handwriting.
While this is very ordinary now in ten years time I will want to reminicse about what her handwriting was like when she was in grade 2.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Our first reader's submission.
Journaling reads:
My earliest childhood memories were set in this garden in our old house in Canlubang. I'd never forget the colorful San Francisco plants as well as the butterfly tree with its purple flowers where I discovered the wonder of play and developed my love for nature. 1972

Well done, I love it! The hot pink and the lime green accents add such a punch. TFS.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Nicole's contribution.
The journaling was as follows: Looking back, I don't remember much about this day except Alison inviting us to the park after school and wishing she would hurry with this picture as my pants were getting wet from the snow. But we must have had fun--look at those smiles

Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Colette's sponsored product LO.
My journaling challenge this week is to answer the question, 'What would I do if I had a million dollars?. But, how do you scrap something like that? Well, my BFF, Joy, sent me this birthday card last year and the picture on the front was exactly what I needed to relate to my journaling. Now I have preserved a card that I was given (that has special meaning for me) and it also serves as a great method of holding my journaling which is about me ... for my scrapbook. It may be a card that someone gave you, a travel brochure from an exotic place you have been, or even a movie ticket stub that might help you scrap your story.
I used the large deco heart from the Heirloom Hearts punch to create the patterned paper border on the left side. Then, I layered the smaller hearts that were left over in clusters to create these fun 3-D flowers. All I needed to do was just doodle some stems and leaves and embellish the centers with a button and ribbon. The Mini File Tab punch was placed on the card to invite the viewer to open the card to reveal the journaling inside.

My thanks to McGill for the awesome jumbo punches! I received the Heirloom Hearts Jumbo punch and the Mini File Tab punch and had a blast using them on this page! You can be sure the Tab punch is going to get a work out at my house. And, the Heirloom Hearts punch is so versatile ... all you need is a little imagination.

Thanks to Colette for her submissions. I appreciate that you want to take a gap, but your contibutions will be missed. Thanks for all the good stuff you have shared with us.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Thanks to Stella Crupko.
We, the design team appreciate all the hard work you have put into this from the beginning, the weekly posts, the sponsored products and the months of being on your team, of inspiring and being inspired.
I truly appreciate you giving me this opportunity and trust that you will be popping in from time to time and even submitting a layout as you get a gap.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Mcgill punches.

The things that make me the happiest are easily found as they're all in my home. Creative art, being with my family, and playing outside in my garden bring me pleasure every day.
I am blessed. June 2008.