Title: BUDS
Journaling Reads:
Through beginning band, Spuds McKenzie, Night Ranger, friendship pins, ripped jeans, lost loves, impossible crushes, sneaking out to dances, big hair, scary science teachers, cruisin' and endless hours on the phone this girl got me through high school! Everyone needs a bff and this fun chic is mine! Since JH we've been buds and I'm sure we'll be for a long time to come.
Here is Tracy's 3 Bugs LO:

Journaling reads:
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
One of the best things about Easter at Granny Poe’s is seeing our traditions being passed down. Every year there are hundreds of eggs. Every year they are hid in the same places as when I searched for them as a little girl. It seems that so many things in life are changing. Its really nice to see that some things don’t. Easter 2008.
Okay, I am LOVIN' the black with the pastels in your friends lo Tracy...it's delicious! :)
The circles are grabbing my attention. Well done.
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