I have stuff I have to do, I see it all as a part of my job description, being a stay at home Mom. Things like making beds, washing dishes, doing laundry, grocery shopping, menu planning, checking kids homework, Mom’s taxi: driving them everywhere and making sure I am at their school as the bell rings, making supper, checking how much time they spend in front of the little screens, encouraging them to pick up and tidy their stuff, I tidy the house, sort cupboards and turf out unused stuff, I nurse them when they are sick, make sure that we have the correct meds on hand just in case. I sell Avroy Shlain cosmetics and Honey Accessories so my beauty products and jewellery needs are taken care of. I teach scrapbooking from home twice a week.
There are definite perks to the job: Monday mornings are a big one, the house is quiet after they’ve all left for school (and work) and I can just breathe and relax in a clean and tidy home. I am able to “be there” when the children need me; school sports days, galas, outings etc, we have sufficient finances to buy fresh flowers every so often, get takeaways once a week or so, I can indulge in scrapbooking for creative pleasure and memory keeping. I take the time to get my legs waxed and have regular pedicures and haircuts. I snuggle on the bed some afternoons with a good book and a couple of cats. I am able to indulge some whims, like buying red cushion covers to perk up the tv lounge for winter. In many ways and to many people I lead the perfect life, but it is hard work at times, it is wearying at times and seeing your children make incorrect choices can be devastating. So don’t envy me, it can be so easy looking from the outside but walk a mile in my shoes and then we can chat again. The noise level, the constant bickering, tom foolery, mess and dirt are a very real part of my daily battles too.

Am very excited to see that you and Lynette are going to join the rest of us for Team up Thursdays....it was started by an american woman Melody and great to see South African's have taken to it so well..
Will be around to see what you did next week.
I love the photo collages you've used, definitely proving you can use lots of photo's and lots of journaling and still have a great page!
I also like that you talk about the little pleasures like cushion covers and takeaways, as sometimes I forget to count things like that as some of my blessings. Thanks for reminding me!
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