Title: Jackass Penguin
On Mother’s Day we were at UCT and I was able to go inside the Zoology building and visit my penguin project from 1987. Our class was tasked with filling the displays in the Zoo building. I was so blessed that my exhibit was still there. I had 2 partners; Gail and Amanda, however I did the whole poster. From matching the paint colours to the wall, matching the lines to the seal’s group’s poster. Doing the research and deciding what information to include, rubbing on the letters, cutting out the metal shape for the penguin and creating the shading with minute dots, making sure the alignment agreed with the seal poster. I can’t tell you how many hours it took, but I was so sleep deprived and grumpy I wouldn’t pose with everyone else when the posters were eventually finished. (sounds like me hey?) Gail and Amanda boiled the penguin (Sphenicus Demersus) for hours to remove the flesh. Ironically I remember having a chicken mayo sandwich that day, was too hungry to be put off by the smells. Then they stripped the bones and reassembled the skeleton. I think I got about 83%, one of the highest marks in our 3rd year Zoology class. I thought it was so amazing that my project was still there 23 years later, until DH pointed out that most of the students walking on campus today hadn’t even been born then.

I used a template by Janet Phillips, sold by Sweet Shoppe Designs, from her 2 many photos range.
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