Christmas is about the birth of the baby Jesus, even though I know he wasn’t born in Winter, but Spring as there were baby lambs in the fields at night. We choose to celebrate His birth at this time of year. I believe He left heaven and chose to be born of the virgin Mary, in a town called Bethlehem.
Although I usually have a tree set up as well as some little Father Christmas’ ornaments and angels and other goodies the children have created through the years. A nativity set has to hold pride of place. Jesus came to this earth as a baby and I want that to be the focus of our decorations.
Through the years we have had a knitted set, made by a lady called Mary, that I bought many years ago. I paid R100 for it. I had started a knitted set myself, made one shepherd and then lost the pattern. This lady had the pattern but wouldn’t let me have a copy as she made her money creating these sets to sell. The pattern was from an old living and loving magazine. Long story short we have had this knitted set for years. I have allowed the children to touch it and Rosie has loved playing with it and making the people talk. Last year the boys kept moving baby Jesus and hiding him all over, under the manger, behind the wise men etc and she would get upset and shout at them.
This year I have a new nativity set. It is a Willowtree figurine set and I am sure that it will become a family heirloom in many years to come. I ordered it while visiting Shayne in June I love it so much already. It is precious and gorgeous.
I am not so sure I’ll be as free with letting the children touch it...we’ll have to see.

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