Focus on being a woman.
Celebrate your femininity, pros and cons
things you enjoy, things you wish you could do
reasons you enjoy being a girl!
The title and sub title reads:
"Imperfectly Perfect- 40+ things I've come to embrace about myself. June 2010
When I get mad, I take a hot shower to cool down. ~I load laundry into the washer, but I forget to dry them. ~I don’t talk before I brush my teeth in the morning. ~I never wear socks to bed because I like for Chris to unwillingly warm my frozen toes with his legs. ~I wait until last minute to accomplish any task, even one with a set deadline. I work well under pressure. ~13-17 year old boys think I’m their age. ~I used to write in a semi-journal in High School, but I trashed it in fear that my parents would find the contents. I regret it now. ~I have had a desire to have another baby for months, if not years now. I have baby fever, but the timing is not right. ~I do not like to feel anything, including hands, clothes, and even my own self, when my legs are not smoothly shaved. ~I stay up way too late past midnight regularly. ~I am newly hooked onto Facebook and Google Reader for blog upkeeps. ~ I hope to be half as good of a mother as my mother is. ~Ok, yes, sometimes I’m controlling and dramatic. ~I get mushy for animals and children, especially sick ones. ~I feel much more older than I am, minus the joint pain. ~Handmade anything is my favorite gift. ~Aside from Summer time (when I’m tan) I hardly go into public without at least foundation and mascara on. ~I am afraid of the dark and I still jump into bed. ~I thoroughly enjoy reading recreationally. ~Internet use is my guilty pleasure, well that and baked goods. J ~I won’t put clean clothes on until I have showered. ~Writing “to-do” lists makes my thoughts de-clutter and stress diminishes. ~I am a perfectionist with life. Everything I make must be just right. I am very critical of myself. ~I HATE roaches. ~My tonsils are always slightly enlarged. ~Randomness in a list format makes me smile. ~Usually at night I feel my nose stopped up so I blow hard and it makes a weird sound. Chris thinks this is disgusting. ~My little sister, Kitana, makes me feel young again. ~My most procrastinated chore is cleaning the bathrooms. ~Taking Ally out of the house makes me feel like a good mom. ~I hardly cry. Maybe once every six weeks. ~I like when people call, text, or email, just to say “I love you” or “I miss you.” J ~I am pretty good at multi-tasking. ~I always wash my hands when I wake up. ~I check my cell phone voice mail about once a month, or when I have 20 compiled messages, ~I usually don’t flush pee in my own toilets. ~Text messages are so much more fun than phone conversations. ~I enjoy popping blemishes. ~I hardly remember specifics of events. ~I taught myself how to thread eyebrows. ~I love to organize by color/style/category. "

1 comment:
I absolutely love this! I'm not sure I could be so honest!! Some things made me roar with laughter where others were so sweet!
A great LO and what a shame you didn't keep those journals!
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