I am really loving Shimelle's new online class, called "true stories"
I get a pdf prompt emailed to me every weekday for 3 weeks.
To be honest there is so much in each prompt that gets my journaler's heart going that I haven't even finished reading the second one, deciding to scrap while the inspiration is there.
I used Jen Jockisch's LO as a jumpstart to my own creativity, changing it and adding my own voice.
This is a letter to my daughter, including my dreams for her life and some words of wisdom.
One day you will be grown, able to wear high heels, short skirts and not have your Mother say, “off you go, change and try again”. So often we disagree about fashion, what is appropriate, modest yet age appropriate. For now your feet are still growing, still a size 3 most of the time. Why most size 3’’s are for grown-ups is beyond me. My mother always said “look after your feet, they take you everywhere you want to go”. I abide by that now. I wear comfortable leather shoes, although I don’t alternate as I am supposed to, to let them breathe.
Sometimes we have to suffer for beauty, just be careful. Your clothes need to match who you are inside. You are beautiful, just the way God made you. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, not nasty girls on the playground and not boys who want to control you. I pray that knowing that you Mom and Dad love you and think you’re amazing will help cushion the blows that are an inevitable part of growing up in this day and age.
Don’t get into disputes with them, just walk away and be happy that you’re unique, your beauty coming from inside, a shining joy and honesty. You may try to be someone else, pretending to be like them, trying to fit in, to be accepted. True friends love you just the way you are, accepting you without reserve and judgement.
Never pretend to be dumb, to be liked. Be mindful of other people’s feelings and think before you speak, even when angry, frustrated or pre-menstrual. Nasty never looks pretty.
If you mess up, apologise. Saying sorry and asking for forgiveness will go a long way to heal any breaks in your friendship circle.
You don’t need to wear make-up, you’re perfect without all that gunk on your face. If you do though, remember to remove it all before you go to sleep at night. A good moisturiser is a necessity and sunscreen too. Sun damage makes you look old before your time, is cumulative and can kill you. Getting sunburnt and tanned is a short term beauty answer. Aging due to sun damage will only be apparent many years later.
Good posture also makes a huge difference. Walk tall and proudly, confidently facing your future. Not only will it make you look slimmer, it is a wonderful habit to get into. Slouching makes you look lacklustre and not radiantly confident.
Remember to drink lots of filtered water. Too many cups of coffee are not good for you, especially after 40. 2 liters a day helps flush toxins out and gives the cells what they need to remain young and active.
Wait to go dating. Keep your heart pure. Make the boys wait. They’ll call and ask you out if they’re “that into you” and if they don’t, they’re really not that keen. Don’t waste your time waiting for the phone to ring. You’ll know when the right one comes along. Your whole family will love and accept him. Listen to your family, often they can see things that you can’t when blinded by young love. Your Father has shown you how you deserve to be treated. Have them open your door, buy you flowers, treat you like a lady. It is never ok for them to hurt you; emotionally or physically, no matter what they blame you for.
Be nice to your brothers. I know that they tease you, correct you and make you frustrated but all you can take out of this life are you relationships. Your brothers will be there for you, even when Mom and Dad are not.

I used a template from I Fasquelle Scrap
and digi goodness from the dailydigi.com, amongst others.