"These hands of mine have
done so much throughout my life. They help me to accomplish the basic tasks of
the day; from getting up, making tea and school lunches to blow drying my hair
and getting dressed. One regret I have is that there are so few photos of me
being a “hands on Mommy”, my days were filled with the children, caring for the
children, often times cooking supper with a child attached to my left hip so
that my right hand was free to do something else. In those days of film
cameras, film was not wasted on taking photos of the everyday events, actions
and paraphernalia. But I recall being a hands on Mommy, being available most of
the time, cleaning up, setting right, comforting, disciplining etc.
When at home my watch and rings
lie waiting to be quickly added just before I rush out of the door. The years
of suffering with eczema on my ring finger the cause of that lifelong habit. My
hands wave around when I talk, especially when I am passionate about the topic
of conversation. I have my mother’s hands, hands that she used to take care with
a moisturising regime and with painted nails so that they looked feminine after
someone told her she had the hands of a dock worker. I also have a long nail
bed, so that even when my nails are short, they look long. My hands fit
perfectly into Andrew’s.
These hands may not type 100 words a minute- I
may plonk type using three fingers per hand while looking at the key board, but
I still love writing this way. Journaling my thoughts, or digi scrapbooking. My
to- do list is on paper though, written with a freshly sharpened HB pencil – I
may be old fashioned that way, so satisfying to cross the completed tasks off
when done.
These hands with their French
manicure apply lip-ice to my lips numerous times per day, make copious cups of
tea for friends, pass tissues when emotions get messy, these hands with the
skin getting soft and spotty now, just like my Granny’s used to be. I also
apply hand cream every night and rub it in all around the cuticles. My hands,
my acts of service, so much a key part of me.” ~ Stefanie 15TH March

Hi Stefanie, this is Mandy here from Record Life, the creator of the #ThisWeek prompts. Thank you so much for playing along and linking up! I love that you detailed the story of what your hands do and have done in such detail!
Great post Stefanie! Love all the detail you included! Just wanted to make sure you know that while I chose the prompt for this month, the challenge itself was actually created by Mandy of the Record Life blog, so I can't take full credit for the awesome idea :) -Meg, Marmalade Mementos
Great post! Really makes you appreciate everything in life when you stop and think about the simple things.
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