Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Super hero x2

and Comic templates by Scrapping with Liz at Scrap Orchard.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Day 1 - Mine

I used L Drag Designs - Practically perfect @ Scrap Matters.

Playing catch-up

Do you ever have days that seem to just run away with you, I have had a few like that. I didn't realize that I had unsubscribed from Big Picture so totally missed my first day email and prompt. Luckily I had already begun thinking about the morning routine prompt (day 2) and used the topic for a design team requirement. But now I am still a day behind and there will be a new prompt for today and can someone stop time for me or add a few hours into today, pretty please?
Day 2: morning routine.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

31 things

31 things is a class by Ali Edwards that I have signed up for, paid my money and watched the pre-class hour long video and been so motivated to tell my stories again.
Somehow somewhere in my creative team work I have lost the plot in my own scrapbooking. Disconnected the story I want to tell with the pretty photos, easy to use templates and fabulously inspiring kits. Sometimes I show off the kit (that is my job afterall) at the expense of telling the story. I need to get back to my roots. Does that mean that my story will be plastered all over the bog and cyber space, probably not. The details will be edited and names will be changed. I have teenagers now and need permission in what I share. Not only that I have to be responsible about their safety. 
Join me in my journey for 31 days?

@ 48

 ScrapMatters iNSD 2012 template pack (to which I contributed the one @ the bottom left)