there are many inspiring blogs out there, one of my favourites is
Ali Edwards.
She has challenged us to choose a word, scrap it, implement it and allow that to change our lives.
I have done her week in the life twice already and been so blessed to have those memories of our every days captured and documented.
Any way I digress.
Last year I chose the word(s) change focus.
Title: change FOCUS
Journaling: I started last year with my word(s) already chosen: change focus.
I wanted to concentrate on choosing to see my glass half full instead of half empty.
I had my photo of the half full glass on my magnetic board in front of me, not only that
~I started most days with a glass full of water, trying to drink 4x500mls every day.
I can’t truthfully say that I achieved my goal 100%, I did still grumble at life’s curve balls.
However I really did have something to be grateful for everyday, something that made me smile.
A cat’s purr, a latte with a friend, a piece of cheesecake, scrap and chats, a hug or thoughtful words.
So I am happy that I changed focus.
This year I have chosen “delight” to be my word. Similar to last year, but a call to be more present in the moment, to laugh out loud, to take time to savour God’s creation, smell the flowers and be positive. Even in the worst of times, in the midst of grief, there is something good to be found, all it takes is a little time spent looking.
My challenge to you is :
Are you playing along again this year?
If so what word have you chosen and why?
Did you do it last year?
What was your word then?
How did you remind yourself of it.
Do you think you achieved what you wanted to?
If not, what will you be doing differently this year?